Singing Guide: Paper Lace

Singing Guide: Paper Lace

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're interested in learning to sing like Paper Lace, there are a few key elements to their music that you'll want to focus on. First and foremost, Paper Lace's harmonies are a defining characteristic of their sound. You can work on improving your harmonies by listening closely to their music and practicing along with recordings. You could also use Singing Carrots' Pitch Training game to improve your pitch accuracy.

In addition to focusing on their harmonies, you'll want to pay close attention to Paper Lace's diction and phrasing. This means focusing on the way they shape their vowels and consonants, as well as how they group words together within phrases. Singing Carrots' Articulation article can be a helpful resource for learning more about how to improve your diction.

Another important aspect of Paper Lace's music is the way that they use dynamics to create tension and release within their songs. You can work on improving your own use of dynamics by practicing singing softly and loudly, and by experimenting with different ways of shaping your phrases to create a sense of tension and release.

In terms of specific songs to study, "The Night Chicago Died" is a great example of Paper Lace's harmonies, as well as their use of dynamics to create a dramatic effect. "Billy Don't Be a Hero" is another great option for learning about Paper Lace's phrasing and diction.

By using these tips and resources, you can work towards developing a vocal style that's similar to Paper Lace's. And if you're looking for more resources to help you improve your singing, be sure to check out Singing Carrots' extensive library of articles, videos, and tools, including the Vocal Range Test, Pitch Accuracy Test, and Educational Singing Course.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.